Find the Right Skilled Nursing Home Near You
What is Skilled Nursing Facility?
Nursing homes, also called skilled nursing facilities, provide the round-the-clock, expert nursing care and daily assistance you or your loved ones need.
Skilled Nursing facilities are generally reserved for those who need ongoing, daily medical services or to provide short-term rehab services. Skilled Nursing communities, or nursing homes, have medical nurses on staff 24 hours a day and coordinate with physicians for more in-depth health needs.
Unlike assisted living facilities, which offer assistance with some or all basic activities f daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, eating, meal preparation, dressing, cooking, toileting, and light housekeeping, nursing homes provide intensive, long-term medical care to seniors with serious health conditions in a fully staffed and monitored environment.
If you are looking for skilled nursing near you or a loved one, let us help. Our service is FREE and we will walk you through the maze of nursing home options and personally guide you every step of the way – and always free of charge.